Learn about the improved hiring results these three organizations got using MBI: MBI Helps Employers Hire High Achievers, by SHRM writer, Roy Maurer.

Traditional behavior-based interviewing training does an okay job teaching interviewers how to assess skills, but falls short when it comes to correctly assessing an candidate's motivation. That's a Big Deal!  Why? Hiring decisions based on skill alone produce mixed hiring results because it takes more than just skill to succeed. Think of skill as being analogous to a car. Think of motivation as its fuel. A car without fuel runs great...but only going downhill. Employees with the skill to do the job, but not the self-motivation will not be High Performers. Said another way...they're not good hires. Employee selection requires going beyond just skill assessment. Interviewers must also determine how much effort each candidate tends to put forth when the going gets tough.

Is he or she a passionate, driven problem-solver or someone who complain and make excuses instead? Exposing how a person responds in the face of challenge is a powerful predictor of future job performance and success. Hiring a skilled but average job performer...is not good enough. MBI interviewer training equips recruiters and hiring managers with the ability to distinguish between incremental performance differences, and it's this distinction that leads to more High Performers being hired. 

 First, let's start out with a definition of a "High Performer". These are ordinary people who are able to achieve extraordinary results. For interviewers to accurately single out the High Performers from other applicants, they must know why these employees are willing to go above and beyond while others aren't. The answer isn't their 'skill'.Skill simply means a person can do the job. It doesn't necessarily mean they will do it better than any one else.

It is important to understand where the employee selection process is going awry and fix it. Untrained interviewers, ineffective interview questions and hiring decisions based on skill level alone are the most common reasons bad hires happen. Research has found that ALL High Performers share 3 components, skill being one of them and the only one that can be added or changed AFTER the hire. That means...if you want a highly motivated team, or an entire organization, you have to hire highly motivated people.

A much better predictor of future job performance and achievement is an applicant's 'attitude'. What exactly is attitude? Attitude is how effectively, or ineffectively, a person responds to obstacles or difficult challenges. Let's face it, every job has it's challenges! It can be a difficult co-worker or customer, an insufficient budget, not enough time, being understaffed, too much competition, insufficient knowledge, something that breaks down...the list is truly endless. Obstacles are a normal part of getting to any goal and if an employee isn't good at overcoming these obstacles, then they aren't going to be good at achieving goals.

What makes an obstacle difficult to overcome is that there doesn't appear to be a solution - initially.  When a person encounters a roadblock, it's not their skill that determines whether they move forward. Rather, it's theirattitude and their passion. These components determine how much  effort will be put forth to solve the problem. When someone makes up their mind that a goal is impossible to achieve or deems an obstacle to be insurmountable, they won't relentlessly pursue the goal like a true High Performer would. High Performers have an attitude that is conducive to achieving goals as well as the passion that drives them to do it. Many applicants who are NOT High Performers are interview-savvy. These applicants withhold information but interviewers who use motivation-based interviewing know exactly how to expose it. MBI is the only interviewing methodology with built-in skill, attitude and passion assessment components. MBI training is taught in multiple languages and used around the world. It really is all about hiring High Performers.