You Have 10 Questions and 2 Minutes. New Test Each Time. The Clock Is Ticking!!!
An applicant's response to obstacles is considered to be one of the best predictors of their future job performance and success.
The applicant with the best job skills will typically be...
What are the holes that exist in most employee selection processes that cause needless hiring mistakes? (multiple answers permitted)
Motivation-based interviewing assesses what 3 components common to all high achievers?
An applicant with great job skills will always out-perform a job applicant with lesser skill.
If an untrained interviewer uses an unstructured interview format (asks questions that pop into their head), the probability of hiring the best applicant is about 40% according to a Michigan State study.
According to a Harvard Business School study, 76% of turnover can be traced back to poor interviewing practices and bad hiring decisions.
Which of the following statements are true about motivation-based interviewing? (multiple answers permitted)
Given enough time and hands-on interviewing experience, most interviewers will eventually learn how to correctly identify high achievers.
Most companies track turnover and know exactly how many of their best performing employees are exiting and why.
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