You Have 10 Questions and 2 Minutes. New Test Each Time.  The Clock Is Ticking!!! 

According to a recent CareerBuilder survey, two-thirds of American businesses have faced lower productivity and reduced employee morale due to a bad hire.

Most unmotivated employees were great hires but they changed after they were hired due to poor management, unrealistic job expectations and/or unsatisfactory working conditions.

What is motivation-based interviewing?

Which of the following statements are true about motivation-based interviewing? (multiple answers permitted)

Using behavior-based interviewing often results in extending a job offer to a marginal performer.

What are the holes that exist in most employee selection processes that cause needless hiring mistakes? (multiple answers permitted)

Historically, what percentage of managers have NEVER received any formal training on how to interview job applicants?

Most companies track turnover and know exactly how many of their best performing employees are exiting and why.

Hiring managers commonly make the connection between an employee's poor performance issues and their own interviewing deficiencies.

If an untrained interviewer uses an unstructured interview format (asks questions that pop into their head), the probability of hiring the best applicant is about 40% according to a Michigan State study.