You Have 10 Questions and 2 Minutes. New Test Each Time.  The Clock Is Ticking!!! 

If you see signs or hear examples of an applicant taking initiative, it's a reliable indicator the applicant is self-motivated.

Many managers who make hiring decisions are competent in their area of expertise but lack the proper interviewer training to know how to correctly identify applicants who will be 'High Performers' if hired.

Which of the following statements are true about motivation-based interviewing? (multiple answers permitted)

Which statement is true about high achievers (people who achieve above-average results)?

Using behavior-based interviewing is the most effective way to correctly assess an applicant's self-motivation.

Historically, what percentage of managers have NEVER received any formal training on how to interview job applicants?

The applicant with the best job skills will typically be...

When it comes to tracking hiring effectiveness, which one of these do most organizations NOT track?

Motivation-based interviewing assesses what 3 components common to all high achievers?

What is motivation-based interviewing?