How To Use The MBI Interview Guide Generator
Motivation-Based Interviewing (MBI) is a globally-used interviewing method that assesses a job candidate's attitude, passion and skill...the three components ALL High Performers share in common that enable them to achieve above-average results. By asking properly and consistently phrased skill-assessment questions, interviewers can gather information about a candidate's attitude...considered the #1 predictor of future job performance and success...without taking any extra interviewing time.
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What is the MBI Interview Guide Generator?
The MBI Interview Guide Generator is a fast and easy way to create your MBI Interview Guides in just minutes. The database includes 750+ effective MBI interview questions and more than 70 job skills to choose from. Just click and print. Watch the (90 second) demo video to see how it works.
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Please Note: As of July 2018, a known bug in the Microsoft Edge browser prevents access to the Interview Guide Generator. The following browsers are recommended: Google Chrome (Mac OS/Windows), FireFox (Mac OS/Windows), Safari (Mac OS). Internet Explorer is compatible but not recommended.
R1 - MBI INTERVIEW GUIDE "GENERATOR" (Ready-to-use): Hospitality-4
This is an awesome new addition to My MBI Tools. It generates FOUR different hospitality interview guides; server, cook, front desk and housekeeping. It has 120 pre-written MBI interview questions already built-in for you to chose from...or you can write your own. It's so easy. Simply select the skill, chose the question, and print. You're ready to interview. This is a Microsoft WORD FORMS document that requires Microsoft Word 2007, 2010 or newer. *PLEASE NOTE: "WORD FORM" documents are not compatible and don't work with Microsoft Office for Mac.
R2 - MBI INTERVIEW GUIDE (Ready-to-use): Sales
This is a Microsoft WORD FORMS document that requires Microsoft Word 2007, 2010 or newer. This SALES interview guide has the required job skills already filled-in. As for the MBI interview questions, they’re already written too. Simply click the dropdown menu for each skill and select the question you like best. Or, if you prefer one that’s not in the list, type in your own and it'll automatically be plugged into your interview guide. This is the most versatile, ready-to-go interview guide for hiring the best Salespeople using motivation-based interviewing!
R3 - MBI INTERVIEW GUIDE (Ready-to-use): Medical Office Receptionist
This is a Microsoft WORD FORMS document that requires Microsoft Word 2007, 2010 or newer. This interview guide can be used for filling front-of-the-house Medical/Dental Office Receptionist job openings. The skills required to do this job are filled-in for you and the MBI interview questions have already been written as well. Simply CLICK on the dropdown menu for each skill and SELECT the interview question you like best from the list. Or if you prefer, type in one of your own and it will automatically appear on your interview guide. Then SAVE, PRINT and GO. This is the most versatile, ready-to-use MBI Interview Guide for hiring medical/dental staff who have patient contact and interaction! Realize...every job opening is an opportunity to hire someone even better than before.
R4 - MBI INTERVIEW GUIDE (Ready-to-use): Doctor Assistant
This is a Microsoft WORD FORMS document that requires Microsoft Word 2007, 2010 or newer. This MBI Interview Guide has the standard job skills already filled-in for the Doctor/Dental/Surgical Assistant job, along with a choice of MBI interview questions to select from. Simply click the dropdown menu for each skill and select the question you like best. If you prefer one of your own, type it in and it will automatically be plugged into your interview guide. This is a great interview guide for hiring the best back-of-the-house Doctor Assistants using motivation-based interviewing!
T1 - TEMPLATE: Customizable MBI Interview Guide
This is a Microsoft WORD FORMS document that requires Microsoft Word 2007, 2010 or newer. To customize this MBI Interview Guide for your specific job opening, simply CLICK and ENTER the skills to be assessed and your MBI interview questions in the appropriate field. When done, click SAVE and PRINT, and you’re ready to interview! *PLEASE NOTE: "WORD FORM" documents are not compatible and don't work with Microsoft Office for Mac.
T2 - TEMPLATE: Additional MBI Skill Assessment Page
This one-page WORD FORMS document is perfect when you want to assess additional job skills and there is no more room on your interview guide. Simply download, customize, print and add it to your MBI Interview Guide. You can enter up to 4 additional OSAE questions per page plus have room to write additional interview notes. This is also a Microsoft WORD FORMS document that requires Microsoft Word 2007, 2010 or newer.
T3 - TEMPLATE: MBI Customizable Interview Guide (OLD)
This is a standard Microsoft WORD text document that allows full editing and customization of the entire MBI Interview Guide. Simply type in the skills to be assessed along with your MBI interview questions. Adjustments to the layout, design and/or pagination will likely be required when using this template.
F1 - FORM: MBI Telephone Interview Screening Form
Motivation-based interviewing is not just for full-length interviews. It can be used for the shorter telephone screening interview as well. This is a standard WORD text document which allows full customization. It requires a handful of MBI screening questions to be entered. Some page layout corrections may be needed before printing.
F2 - FORM: MBI Interviewer Accountability Form
Critical to hiring success is adopting the MBI ‘Hire ONLY High Performers’ Hiring Standard. This PDF is an interviewer sign-off form that should be completed every time someone new is hired. It states the job candidate being extended a job offer meets the minimum hiring criteria. If this employee leaves for any reason (voluntary or involuntary) within the first year, the back side of the form is completed. This side requests information useful for continuous learning and improvement. Worse than a bad hire…is not learning from it and repeating it.
TUTORIAL - Writing MBI Questions (Refresher)
Before you get started writing effective interview questions, this tutorial might help you brush-up on your interview questions writing skill. Here's how the tutorial works; there are 6 practice questions. Select the most effective interview question from the choices provided. You must get it right before you can move to the next question. An explanation is given for both right and wrong answers. That should help warm you up!